Bard SureStep Lubri-Sil I.C. Foley Catheter Tray

Bard SureStep Lubri-Sil I.C. Foley Catheter Tray

Brand/Manufacturer: BARD INC
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Bard SureStep Lubri-Sil I.C. Foley Catheter Tray has silver alloy coating and hydrogel. The kit has complete isolation of peri-prep components from the insertion components. It provides foam swabs for greater coverage and saturation than the pre-saturated swab sticks available in the BD advance foley tray platform.

Item # Desc Pkg Price
BRDA948314 14Fr With Drainage Bag, Anti-Reflux Chamber 10/Case
BRDA948316 16Fr With Drainage Bag, Anti-Reflux Chamber 10/Case
BRDA942216H 16Fr Each
BRDA942216 16Fr 10/Case
BRDA943216H 16Fr With Urine Meter Each
BRDA943216 16Fr With Urine Meter 10/Case

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